DryFire Testimonials and Reviews
Shooters love DryFire Target Simulators!
In their own words...
Athlete Testimonials: Better training, more savings, higher scores

Michael Gates, 2024 Junior Singles Champion

Kerra Ramsey, MN 4A State Female Champion

Andrew Dong, 2024 CTA Canadian Champion
"DryFire is a necessity for any serious shooter. The list of benefits is long: learning to mount your gun consistently, making that muscle memory, learning to see targets better, improving your gun swing. For arm strength and conditioning, there's nothing better because you can do round after round with no recoil.""The feedback on each shot gives you so much information that you can use immediately to adjust your shot. Plus, you can work on one specific thing over and over again until you get it right."
"I hate to say this, but I'm in love with this thing. It's made a world of difference in my shooting. It's pretty unbelievable."
“After only one week, my scores on our local Sporting Clays Course went up 12 hits. I’m only a year into shooting clays….had to shift to the left side as I am REALLY left-eye dominant, therefore I have been learning to shoot off my opposite side this past year. I have always pre-mounted my gun and felt very robotic/stiff, which my friends can attest to. DryFire has allowed me to practice 1,000 mounts/shots with “gun down” before going shooting this past Sunday. I pre-mounted as usual and went 0 for 14 on the first two stations. My friends were wondering why I was so bad. Then on station 3, I went gun down for the rest of the round and started hitting almost everything… It’s taught me about relaxed gun swing just in one week. About halfway through the round, my Buddies were wondering what the heck was going on, so I had to come clean and tell them about DryFire. It was not just a marginal improvement after a week, but a huge improvement, not just in score, but noticeably in technique as well. My confidence is a few notches higher as well. My two young boys love it as well and I’m sure the 3 of us are going to have a great time using it as a teaching/practicing aid.”
Tom Link, Alberta
“It is 1:30am and I can call it one of the best nights in my life… I set up DryFire and started shooting. I used the acoustic system and that was the actual game! I could center targets one after another. In general, I love it. Now I can aim for 100 straight and I am quite excited about it. Thank you very much.”
Alireza Aliabadi
“Thanks for everything from your product to your support. I started shooting trap 2 months ago and ordered DryFire 3 week ago. After using DryFire for 2 weeks I was able to shoot 25 straight in real trap shooting. This may sound a little extreme but I practice with my DryFire every day for about 1 hour and I would give up food before I would part with my DryFire. I am a pharmacist and like to shoot some perfect rounds every day before and after work. This is a great stress reliever. Bob, you are a wonderful person and I thank God on a regular basis for people like you and the product that you support.”
Paul Piaia, Wyoming
“As a Skeet Shooter, I have found the practice with the DryFire very beneficial to my shooting. It has helped me gain a spot in the top ten average nationally in the Veterans concurrent the last two years. I am currently working on my doubles as I need better performance in the shoot-offs.”
Burt Ingram, North Carolina
“The simulator is pretty important to me. My shooting got much better after I had put in some simulator time and I have found it is a great way to keep sharp when the winter weather keeps us from shooting at the clubs. I shoot in a fall league, but in Pennsylvania, that ends in December and there is very little really good weather for about 3 months after that due to snow, cold, and wind. Then, in April we start a spring league. Helps to be in form already. And, if I want to know how targets will behave on a given day, I just put in the wind and practice a couple of rounds at home before going out to the club. This helps me pick up a few more targets since I am not surprised by the way the targets are flying. This is sure a lower cost way than going out and practicing on at the club. Also, if it is raining, snowing, etc I can still get in some practice at home in the daytime or nighttime. I have also used it to introduce a couple teenage children, of friends, to trapshooting so that they already understand the game before they even shoot a gun. This really helped keep them from getting discouraged right off the bat, since they were able to go out and break some targets their first time.”
Marion Waggoner, Pennsylvania
“Because of DryFire and the feedback back it gave me, I was able to make some adjustments. I had to raise the stock with the shims that came with the shotgun. Amount of hit targets are up, distance on misses has decreased to inches. I would have never figured out to change shims with out DryFire’s feed back. Great product!”
Peter Kinney, Minnesota
Training with DryFire helped me to become a 7-time NSSA All-American and in 2013 was inducted into the Colorado Skeet Hall of Fame.
Paul Thompson, Colorado
“Since my twelve-year-old son began using DryFire, he has improved his focus and mental game without the cost and recoil. The problem was he really could not practice for several months because of our winters, thus, DryFire. In the last month, he has gotten his first 24/24 in skeet doubles and 25/25 in handicap trap, skeet, and 16-yard trap! He is able to practice in shorter time intervals — instead of 3 hours for sporting clays or 2 hours for driving to the gun range and all without the recoil or cost of shells, targets, and gas! DryFire has, and will continue to be, a significant benefit to his goal of being one of the best young shooters in the country and possibly an Olympic berth. The customer service of this system is the best we have ever seen! Thank you!”
Alan Purdy, Washington
“I just wanted to let you know how happy we are with the DryFire system we purchased. We are the Fudd Dusters SCTP shooting sports club. We purchased our system after seeing a demo in Ohio. It has been incorporated into our training and practice schedule this January. We have about 130 kids in the club. We have spread the Dry Fire practice over 4 nights each week. The DryFire system has helped us in the following ways: We are able to start practicing earlier in the year. This winter in Michigan has been brutal. We started indoor practice in a warm building. Our young shooters have learned safe gun handling and range courtesy in a safe environment. We have some 7-year-olds that are learning to shoot. With a safe gun and no recoil, they are learning in complete safety. The immediate feedback of the DryFire system helps them see the benefits of a proper gun mount, sight picture and follow through. They start believing their coaches when they can see the results on the screen. The main advantage we get from the DryFire system is cost savings. We figure we are saving well over $200 each practice. The system has paid for itself in the first month of operation. We would not be able to supply our kids ammo and targets for this amount of practice. When the weather finally breaks and we can shoot outdoors our shooters will be ready to break targets.”
Dave Morse, Michigan
We've saved thousands! As a team, we've shot over 1,000,000 targets on our original DryFire system. We have saved over $300,000 in shells and clays, not to mention the time and expense saved by being able to train year-round, indoors, rather than at a gun club.